The Mess for today wasn't so bad, I guess. I've had worse anyway. I was in the kitchen making strawberry jam when I heard noises from my bedroom. Meagan loves to play with lots of stuff in there, so I went to investigate. She was opening my jewelry box, but before she got there, she'd gotten some perfume and spilled the whole bottle all over the carpet. A little spritz here and there is plenty, but the whole bottle at once is really overpowering. I'm going to have to get the carpet cleaner out for this one. Sigh. It'll have to wait until I'm done with the jam, though, which is a sticky mess in and of itself. I like making jam, but crushing all those strawberries makes my
I had a primary presidency meeting this morning. Usually, I turn on a movie for Bethany and Meagan, and they just watch while we get the meeting done, but the last couple of times, they seem to have gotten a little bored with just watching TV. There's another little boy, there, Ryan, that Meagan knows from nursery, and they had great fun today chasing each other around, pushing their little chairs in front of them. Of course, they were crashing into each other all the time on purpose--it looked like bumper chairs. If ever I take Bethany to an amusement park with bumper cars, that will probably be one of her favorite rides. She thinks things that crash are funny. The way she likes to play in her room right now is to take each drawer from her toy chest and dump it out. I think she just likes the noise. The drawer of toy dishes and the drawer of bracelets and toy jewelry make the best noise. Yeah. I can't wait until her little brother is big enough for her to teach all these lovely tricks to. She's going to love having a brother, I think.
Bethany's also been really interested in my camera lately. Any time she sees it, she begs to take some pictures, too. Some are not half bad. Here's one she took of Meagan today. I got the camera out to take a picture of Meagan. She apparently wasn't done getting into my room yet. I had just finished cooking dinner, and I went to bring them to the kitchen, and found Meagan in my room once again. She had gotten into my jewelry, and then found a box of snacks I'd packed in my ba
g to take with me to the hospital. For some reason known only to her, she climbed into the baby bassinet set up in my room and emptied out the snacks and was having a grand little party. I guess I took too long to make dinner tonight.
Seriously... wish I could have made some jam with you!!! You'll have to give me step-by-step instructions for the freezer jam stuff. Tyler would LOVE it if I made jam!!! (I've yet to ever do it)
And, I LOVE that picture of Megan in the bassinet! That's awesome! She just wants to be the baby!! ;)
Hey Karen life sounds exciting. Did I read that correctly about going into labor?? email me and give me an update:)
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