The bad part about the visit was when it was time to leave. Bethany really, really didn't want me to stay there. She said, "You can't stay here forever. You need to come home." Not much I said helped, even though I promised her I'd be home on Friday. I eventually ended up coming home on Thursday evening instead of Friday. When I was offered the chance to go home, I took it mostly to make Bethany happy. I felt pretty good, anyway, and it was a bit boring sitting around in the hospital. And the sooner I could get out of those lovely hospital gowns, the better, too. Of course, as soon as I got home, I was little sorry I'd come back so early. The house didn't exactly look like a tornado had hit, but it was close. At least the kitchen was fairly clean. I'm not sure if Nate even fed them much at home the entire time I was gone, or not. I know he took them out to eat at least twice, and Thursday morning he said Meagan got up and made her own breakfast. She got a piece of bread, broke it in little pieces in a bowl, and was eating it with a spoon. So, there weren't many dirty dishes.
It got even worse later. By the time I got things unpacked, and Sean settled and fed, it was almost 1:00am. I was looking forward to a nice shower, and then some sleep. Just as I was getting ready to get in the shower, I heard Bethany crying. I went in her room to find that she was rolling in puke. Of course, it had dripped down from her bed onto Meagan's, so cleaning everything up was a big production. None of us got back to bed anytime soon. Welcome home, Mom.
Bethany was still sick the next day. She threw up a couple more times, so she spent most of the day sitting around on the couch watching TV. Later in the day, I had gotten a new thermometer, and I wanted to see how well it worked, so I tried it out on the kids. I was shocked to find that Meagan had a fever. She wasn't acting sick at all. At most, she had a little runny nose. So, now I had two sick kids, sick with different things, even, and a newborn in the house, and I had to somehow take care of the sickies without getting the newborn sick. It was very stressful.
Now it's Saturday, and we're settled a little more. Sean was really gassy last night, and didn't sleep well, so I ended up on the couch holding him for a good chunk of the night. I did get some sleep in there, so it wasn't so bad. He's still been a bit fussy today, too, but at least he's sleeping a little better. The main problem, I think, is that he doesn't burp very well after he eats. We'll figure it all out eventually. Bethany is better, Meagan is not. I guess this means that Meagan is staying home from church with me tomorrow, unless she miraculously improves tonight. But, we're all slowly getting into a new routine, and adjusting to life with Sean around.
1 comment:
YAY! Congratulations! I love how he's in a camo beanie! Do they do that with all the airforce babies? I can't wait to see him! He's so cute!! Good luck with establishing a good routine! If you need any help, just let me know!
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