The kids woke up about 7:00. For the past month or so, Nate has been turning on a movie in the morning as soon as Meagan gets up (she's always the first), so they stay occupied and I get to sleep in. While it's been really nice to get some sleep, I've been feeling more and more guilty about the amount of time the TV and computer are on. It seems to just stay on once it's on. So today I decided it was enough. I thanked Nate for helping me out, but said that it was probably best if they didn't watch a movie in the morning anymore. So now when the kids get up, so do I. It wasn't so bad this morning, actually. I got dishes done, kids fed and dressed and laundry started all by 8:30 or 9:00. It felt pretty good to get so much done so early. Plus, the kids played together really well all morning. I sewed some more on the curtains, then we went out to run some errands and met Nate for lunch. Tuesday is his late night, because of mutual. He just doesn't come home until it's done, so there are some Tuesdays that he doesn't see the girls at all, if they happen to sleep past the time he leaves for work. So, it's nice when we can get together on those days. After lunch, we went to the "mall fun place". There's a place south of here that has a big indoor playground that we often take the kids to. They've dubbed it the "fun place". I don't like taking them there by myself now, since I can't really keep up with them, so I take them to the mall instead. There's a very small play area for kids there, and so it's become the "mall fun place". I don't like going there when it's crowded, or there are bigger kids, but today was great. It was about 1:30 when we got there, and there were hardly any other kids. All in all, it was a really pleasant afternoon. The girls were well-behaved and happy, and Bethany was even really good about holding my hand in the parking lot and not running away. Of course, she stopped right in the middle of the road, still clutching my hand, to watch an airplane fly over, and didn't want to move even though a car was coming, but hey, at least she stayed with me. I'll take what I can get.
It was really good that the outing was so nice, since I got to come home to cat puke to clean up. Joy oh joy. I wish she'd stop doing that, it's getting really old. She does it about once every ten days to two weeks. The vet doesn't know why. It doesn't seem like hairballs, since the puke isn't hairy. Maybe it's the food she's eating, I don't know. All I know is that I hate it.
Bethany and Meagan have both been saying some funny phrases lately. Bethany's is "what?", in a tone of utter disbelief. I'll tell her it's Tuesday. "What?" Or that it's time to get in the car. "What?" Meagan's phrase is equally applied to everything I tell her: "No way!" I told her that Gram's birthday is Thursday, and she said "No way Gram's birthday!" about twenty times in a row. Sometimes it's funny, but when I tell her to get her socks on to get in the car, and she says "No way!", it's not so funny. I wonder where they picked them up in the first place. When Bethany first started preschool, she picked up a few phrases like, "Cool!" and "Fantastic". Hearing her say things like that makes her seem more grown up, and not such a little girl anymore.
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