Wednesday, July 15, 2009

All tied up

We have a bunch of strings around the house, mostly from a pack of lacing cards that the kids never really played with. Lately, though, Bethany's been playing with just the strings, and taught herself how to tie knots. She's practically obsessed with tying things up now, and ties things up all over the place. Here are a few examples: (one I didn't get a picture of was a laundry basket tied to the filing cabinet)

Yes, this is Flounder, from Little Mermaid. Bethany calls him her "best friend" and takes him with her everywhere. Obviously, she hasn't learned that friends don't tie each other up.

This is a bug net with a toy Woody from Toy Story inside.

This is a string tied all along the top of the changing table.

Here's a chair tied to the computer desk, with a grinning Bethany beside it.

Once again, here's Woody and Flounder. It looks like the sheriff got hung. Hmmm...I wonder what he did.


Charity Brown said...

Haha! This is too funny!!! Hope she keeps doing it only to toys and furniture!

Brenda said...

How funny! Lili and Ced went through a tying up phase too. Sometimes Ced still does.
BTW, Woody and Buzz have become some of Mari's favorite toys lately too. I guess McDonalds is worth it sometimes. :)