Finally, here are some pictures of the girls' gymnastics class:

They are supposed to hang from this beam, and do a straddle at the same time for three seconds. Meagan got distracted by me, and looked my way instead of hanging the right way.
Dismounting from the beam.
I'm not really sure what the purpose of this is, but they sit in it like this while waiting for their turn on the straddle beam.

I think this is one of Meagan's favorites: they get to swing from this ring back and forth, and she just seems to have a blast. She often has to be reminded to get down for the next person. Then they jump from star to star to the next spot of the course.

This was a new one today. They were supposed to walk on the rope behind Meagan, which was kind of hard for them to do--the rope kept moving, and it was hard for them to stay on. Then they climbed up the triangle Meagan's on, and slithered through a tunnel on their bellies--at least, they were supposed to slither, but ended up just crawling.

Here's Bethany's turn at the straddle beam.

I timed this picture a little slow. Bethany just finished going hand over hand on the beam just above her. She did it all by herself for the first time today. She also did a somersault from a straddle position all by herself for the first time today, too, but I don't have a picture of that.

Meagan was supposed to jump over the white barrier, but she's so tiny, she kept knocking them over instead. She'd just pick it up, go on and step over the next one.

This is supposed to be a cartwheel station. They stand on the the little carpet, then do a cartwheel over the rope. The best Bethany managed was to put her hands down, then kind of hopped over the rope, which was much better than Meagan. Meagan just kind of squatted and jumped over the whole thing.

Sorry this picture is so dark, but I took it from kind of far away. This is the start of one course--they grab hold of the rings, jump to a squatting position, then walk down the pile of mats and jump off the end. Bethany has done the jumping squat, but more often jumps then goes to a squat. Meagan just climbs up.
I'm not sure yet what I'll do when the girls are done with this month's lessons, because of school. I still need to find out when Bethany's school will be, and if the gymnastics will be offered during the day. If they're only at night, then that will be a problem. They really enjoy it, and are learning, so I hope we can keep it up.
They look like they are having so much fun!
HOW FUN FOR THEM!!! Looks awesome! And looks like they're doing a great job!!!
I hope they can keep going, it looks like they are catching on fast. I always thought maybe I'd have been more coordinated if I had gymnastics...then again maybe not. I still run into stuff a lot-mostly because my hips are a lot wider than my brain thinks they are sometimes.
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