It almost looks like she was sitting up playing, and just kind of fell over to go to sleep. Silly girl.
Meagan decided to start potty training herself today. After I got up this morning, I went to take off her nighttime, wet diaper and put a clean one on her, but found that she’d already taken it off and put on some panties. I thought if she really wanted them on, then I guess we’d just go for it. I even had a meeting at the church, and then plans to meet Nate for lunch afterward, but decided to just let her keep them on. Fortunately, we didn’t have any accidents while out and about. She actually did really well. She only had one really big accident. I was sitting on the couch feeding Sean, when she came in the room, really stinky. I told her to just wait a minute, and I’d help her get clean as soon as I was done with Sean. Five minutes later, she was back in front of me, and said, “I’m going pee-pee,” then proceeded to let loose all over the carpet. I tried to get her to stop, and she almost looked like she wanted to, but it was too late. She had one more minor accident later just before getting her pajamas on, but all in all, I thought that was a pretty good start.
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