Sunday, May 23, 2010

Today's funny sayings

So Bethany wakes up this morning, and this is the conversation we had:
B: Is it Monday? (She's really excited to go to school)
Me: No, it's Sunday.
B: Is it Monday.
M: No, it's Sunday. (Yes, getting repetitve here).
B: Let's just skip Sunday.

If only it worked that way...


Meagan's Sunbeam teacher wasn't there today, so they had a sub. Since it's kind of an active class, they like to have a second person as well, which I got to be. It was nice, I didn't have to teach a lesson or anything. The lesson today was on being thankful for our eyes. The teacher had the class look out the window and say what they saw. There were things from trees, leaves, cars and toys. I said I saw blue sky and a butterfly. Meagan pipes up, "A butterfly? That's disgusting!"

1 comment:

Charity Brown said...

hehehehehehe! your girls are too funny!