Sean let us sleep in until 8:40 this morning. I was shocked. I think he's just trying to catch up on his sleep, he's gotten so little while we've dragged him all over the place the past couple of days. We sat around in our pajamas and watched The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe on TV, which finished just in time for Conference to start. It was hard to get much out of Conference with Sean around. Between feeding him and playing enough with him to make him happy, I think I missed the majority of it. I finally put him down for a nap at about 11:15, and he cried for 10 minutes or so until he fell asleep. Just after he fell asleep, Terri called to set up a meeting with us to sign our offer on the foreclosure house. We ended up meeting at the new house just listed yesterday that's so close to the house we offered on. I had thought we would go see it on Monday. I felt bad taking Terri away from her family on Easter--she had some come into town for it--so I'd suggested seeing it Monday morning, but she offered to set it up for us today. We had to meet with her anyway, to get our offer signed and done in time, so we went ahead and looked at that house today. Everything was timed just about perfectly--we just had time to finish listening to Conference (except our internet connection petered out only five or six minutes before it was done--urgh), get ready and go. Sean wasn't quite awake yet, so I opened the curtains in the bedroom and left the door open, so he'd wake up. He was awfully cute while he was asleep:
We got all the way to the house when I realized that I'd forgotten our loan preapproval letter that Terri needed to submit with the offer, so we had to go all the way back to our room and get it and go back again. It's a good thing this house is so close to the Academy. As it was, we were pretty late. We looked through the house quickly. It was the exact same floorplan as the house we wanted to offer on, but it was more expensive, and didn't have nearly as many upgrades. The yard was smaller, too, and the patio (which had a huge crack in it) faced west, which would be very inconvenient for the evenings. On the whole, it just didn't impress me. We decided that if we don't get the house we want, our second option will be another house a few minutes away. It's older, but I think it would work better than the house we saw today. We signed all the paperwork and that was that. Now we are just waiting to see what the bank will say.
We got back to our room at about 2:30, so we'd already missed a chunk of the last session of Conference. We tried to listen again, but I'm not sure I could really tell you anything that was said. Pretty sad, I know. I tried to get Sean to take another nap, since he ususally takes two naps a day, and the first one was interrupted, but he was not happy. I hope there is no one in the room on the other side of us, because he screamed a long time before he finally fell asleep, and then he only slept for half an hour or so.
It was only 4:30 by this point, and neither of us wanted to hang around in the room trying to keep Sean occupied, so we decided to go out. We went to the Garden of the Gods, a small park near here that has beautiful red sandstone formations. My hip started hurting after one small hike, so we didn't stay long. After that we just drove around and old historic town called Manitou Springs, and through part of Old Colorado Springs. It looked kind of touristy, but there were lots of fun little shops that would be fun to poke around in. I also found out that there are some old Anasazi cliff dwellings right near the Garden of the Gods, that are open for people to tour. Supposedly, you can even go in them and touch things. Hmmmm....maybe that will be something for us to do tomorrow.
Since our offer is signed and done, and now we are just waiting, there is nothing useful for us to do tomorrow. We considered trying to fly home tomorrow instead of Tuesday, but it would've cost at least $150 each for us to change our tickets. It's not worth it. We'll have to look up more touristy things to do tomorrow. I'm glad we're coming back here, because there are a lot of cool things to do, so it doesn't feel like a vacation where I have to cram everything in, or miss out. We'll be back, and we'll have lots of time to see things. And if anyone comes to visit, we'll have lots of places to take them.
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