Bethany was downstairs playing on the computer and Meagan was watching TV while I was upstairs doing whatever. Meagan came up saying that Bethany had turned off the TV. I went down, and looked. There was still sound, but no picture on the TV, so it wasn't off. I thought maybe someone had changed the channel or something. Then I looked closer, and found this:
Meagan had taken a section of wooden train tracks and either hit the TV or threw it at the TV. I had no idea the things were so fragile. Nate called the store we bought it at. The warranty doesn't cover abuse by children (which we expected), but we didn't expect them to want $150 just to come out and look at the thing. That's not including whatever parts and labor they'd put into fixing it. So, we are out one large, rather expensive TV. Grrrr.
To teach Meagan the consequences of her action (which she doesn't really seem to grasp), she doesn't get to watch TV for the rest of the week, at least (on the miniscule 12" TV we have left). The problem with that is that her punishment punishes me, too. I'm not exactly looking forward to the next several days without the electronic babysitter. Not that they spend all day in front of the TV or anything, but there are parts of the day where I really need some time without interruption to just plain get things done. Otherwise, Meagan is usually glued to my side. Trying to find ways to keep her occupied will be rather draining, I'm thinking. Sigh. At least the sun was out today.
Oh NO! That stinks.
We realized how precarious the tv stand was when the neighbor girls came over and started jumping around in front of the tv. Luckily we saw it wobbling in time.
Yeah, that was one nice tv! Too bad! Hope you were able to come up with lots of fun things for her to do!
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