We've been cursed with a lot of bad weather this summer, keeping us inside a lot, so when it got sunny this afternoon, we decided to go for a nature walk at Glen Helen nature preserve, about 20 minutes away from us. It's a gorge with several rivers running through it, various springs and waterfalls, and lots of trees and wildlife. It's not a strenuous hike/walk by any means, except for in a few steep places, but it's the closest thing to real hiking that I've come across in Ohio. So anyway, Nate and I decided to get out and go enjoy some nature. Of course, we didn't think much about how muddy it would be, but we should have, considering all the rain we've had lately. Then Meagan didn't want to walk, but just be carried everywhere. For a two-year-old, she doesn't really weigh that much, but you try carrying 25 pounds--squirming pounds--uphill and down for roughly two miles. And always on the same arm. She likes to be held on my left hip, and when I try to switch her over, she gets mad. Ok, I didn't acutally carry her the whole way--Nate carried her for part of the way, but I got to carry Bethany's 40-pound weight up the killer (and wet) stone steps at the end of the trail, because she tripped and scraped up her knee and was crying.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. The walk did start out fairly nice. Not too far in is a beautiful
little waterfall in front of a small cave. We've been
there several times before, but it was particularly pretty today, with the sun shining on it just right. Since it was our first stop, the girls, of course, had to throw rocks in and poke sticks in the water. It was hard getting them to move on.

I think the running water was affecting our newly potty-trained Bethany, because she started hopping up and down and making general I've-got-to-go-to-the-bathroom movements. She denied needing to go, though, until we'd made it to the second spring/waterfall. I knew she'd never make it to the end of the trail, so I took her off in the bushes to go. I thought she'd throw a fit at that, but she actually thought it was funny. I don't think I'll ever really figure her out.
Our third stop was on the banks of the river. This is where we had the most fun throwing rocks in the water. Even Nate overcame his boredom long enough to throw some in himself. He tried
to show Bethany that he was skipping rocks, but she wasn't that interested. She just wanted to throw the biggest rock she could lift. It was actually kind of fun. I think the kids could've spent a lot longer there if we'd let them.

Both the girls were in high spirits at this point. Bethany was holding my hand, jumping and saying "Ribbit, ribbit!" I've never heard her do that before, so it was pretty funny. But it was not long after that that Bethany tripped and landed on a rock. Her knee got kind of scraped up, but she wouldn't really let me look at it. She's very protective of her wounds. It's a major battle just to clean and bandage small cuts. Heaven help me if she ever has something serious. We'll probably have to knock her out to treat it.
Her knee turned out not to be very bad, though I didn't know it until later, and she calmed down once we got home and she got some food in her, thank goodness. All in all, it was a fun trip, and we're glad we got out for a bit.
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